Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas at the Zoo
They had a great train display in the gardens, and Andra really seemed to like it. She has a Christmas ornament with a moving train on it that she loves, so I figured she'd like these too!
Some moments I just try to savor...
Dave and I were really impressed with the lights at the zoo. They definitely exceeded our expectations. This picture doesn't do it justice, but it was such a neat setting.
Andra's favorite spot, as usual, was the aquarium. She LOVES the sharks and the penguins. I think she would've stood there with her nose pressed to the glass all night if we would've let her!
Friday, December 19, 2008
A Visit with Santa
They also have a really cute kiddie train there, so we hitched a couple rides. It cracks me up to see these adults being crammed into these child size passenger cars. It just looks funny. Andra got to ride once with her Mom, and once with her Dad. I don't think she knew quite what to think of the train, but she seemed to enjoy the ride.
Monday, December 8, 2008
I know it's ridiculous the things that excite me as a new mom, but in my mind, this is a MAJOR milestone. Andra's got pigtails!!! And they're adorable, if I do say so myself.
There's something about a little girl in pigtails that just melts me...especially when it's my own daughter. So after wrestling with her a little bit--ok, a lot--I was able to style her new 'do. It just made me giddy...and I'm swelling with pride. I know...silly. It does make me just a TINY bit sad though. She looks like such a big girl with with those little ponytails!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Out and About
Andra vs. the foam pit. The foam pit won.
AND...last night Andra had a date! We met our friends Katy and Tanner, and their little guy Tate, at the Children's Museum. They went down the Yule Slide, but my flash didn't go off, so it's a terrible picture. But here they are at their romantic dinner afterwards. Chaperoned by mommies and daddies, of course. :)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Christmas Tree vs. Curious One Year-Old
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Birthday to my Hubby
Happy Birthday, David. Each year with you is sweeter than the last.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Just call me "Bruiser"
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My husband, the traffic cone
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween
Andra went to her grandparent's house on Thursday night to meet up with her cousins.

"Explain to me again why I'm in in this goofy costume..."

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
You've Got A Friend In Me...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Boiler Up
We had such a fun day! Jonathan showed us around campus. There's this one spot where you can stand and clap, and there's this weird chirp you get in your ears! It was totally weird...Jonathan says the smart PU engineers figured out a way to make the sound waves cause that?? It was probably someone's senior thesis project. :) Campus was beautiful...Dave and I wanted to pretend we were college students again.
We also took him out to lunch and checked out his dorm room. Andra had fun hanging out with her "Uncle J." Here he is entertaining Andra in her carseat.
Headed home. Shew! What a day.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Autumn Afternoons
BUT...I remember going to my Grandma's house as a little girl and "helping" rake leaves into a HUGE pile. And our reward was to jump in them! So I decided to rake a small pile for Andra to play in. And she seemed to like it. She did her typical 'wrinkle nose face' that always makes me laugh.
And I had to include this photo too. I was cooking dinner tonight, and Andra usually hangs out with me in the kitchen emptying cabinets and drawers while I get dinner ready. But tonight, I noticed she'd disappeared and it had been mysteriously quiet for several minutes. I called for her. Silence. I listened for her. Not a sound. So I decided I better go see what she's up to. This is where I found her. Under the dining room table snuggling with her big bro Pudge. Don't they make a cute pair?? Pudge is an excellent big bro. He lets Andra climb all over him, play in his food and water bowls, and apparently use him as a pillow too. I'm sure they'll be buddies for a long time to come.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Four Years and Counting...
Our four year wedding anniversary was last week, so we wanted to do something special over the weekend to celebrate. We took a little day trip down to Oliver Winery in Bloomington. It was the PERFECT fall day...warm, but not too warm, and lots of sunshine! The leaves were beautiful and the grounds were gorgeous. I knew it was supposed to be a nice place, but it definitely exceeded our expectations. If you haven't been there, you should definitely go. We're certainly not wine-o's, and we still had a great time.
We took a tour of the plant and learned how they make wine there, then we had a free tasting, which was a blast. The only thing I know about wine is that it's usually red or white, and I don't know how to pronounce the names of most of it. So it was fun to look at a list of wines and be able to try a sip of any of them. We apparently have the same taste, because we both didn't like dry wines...and thought the sweet wines were TOO sweet. All the wines we tasted that we liked were in the semi-sweet or semi-dry category. We ALWAYS buy Oliver's soft red and soft white at the grocery store, so it'll be fun to know different wines we like now!
After our tasting, we just walked around the grounds and sat on their beautiful deck out back. It really was a gorgeous place.