Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas at the Zoo

Well, we simply weren't able to do it all before Christmas, so we had to visit Christmas at the Zoo AFTER Christmas. Andra doesn't know the difference. :)

They had a great train display in the gardens, and Andra really seemed to like it. She has a Christmas ornament with a moving train on it that she loves, so I figured she'd like these too!

Some moments I just try to savor...

Dave and I were really impressed with the lights at the zoo. They definitely exceeded our expectations. This picture doesn't do it justice, but it was such a neat setting.

Andra's favorite spot, as usual, was the aquarium. She LOVES the sharks and the penguins. I think she would've stood there with her nose pressed to the glass all night if we would've let her!

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Friday, December 19, 2008

A Visit with Santa

Andra got to meet Santa just in time to tell him what she wanted for Christmas! Dave took the day off work and we spent the afternoon at the Indiana State Museum's Celebration Crossing. The three of us really had a lot of fun! The crowds were nice and light since it was a weekday, so Andra hardly had to wait to meet Santa. I was certain she'd cry and refuse to sit on his lap...but after a couple minutes of checking him out, she sat there very seriously. :) This Christmas stuff is serious, you know. :) I was proud of her for being so brave!

They also have a really cute kiddie train there, so we hitched a couple rides. It cracks me up to see these adults being crammed into these child size passenger cars. It just looks funny. Andra got to ride once with her Mom, and once with her Dad. I don't think she knew quite what to think of the train, but she seemed to enjoy the ride.

Monday, December 8, 2008


I know it's ridiculous the things that excite me as a new mom, but in my mind, this is a MAJOR milestone. Andra's got pigtails!!! And they're adorable, if I do say so myself.

There's something about a little girl in pigtails that just melts me...especially when it's my own daughter. So after wrestling with her a little bit--ok, a lot--I was able to style her new 'do. It just made me giddy...and I'm swelling with pride. I know...silly. It does make me just a TINY bit sad though. She looks like such a big girl with with those little ponytails!

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Friday, December 5, 2008

Out and About

We've been trying to battle cabin fever by getting out of the confines of our house as frequently as possible. My neighbor told me about this great gymnastics place on the east side of town, so we went to check it out. It was awesome!! What a great discovery! They have open gym for toddlers, and the kids can play in the ball pit (or just lay there...as Andra preferred to do), crawl around in the foam pit, jump on trampolines...it was such a good time! Here's Andra feeling out the trampoline...
Andra vs. the foam pit. The foam pit won. 
AND...last night Andra had a date! We met our friends Katy and Tanner, and their little guy Tate, at the Children's Museum. They went down the Yule Slide, but my flash didn't go off, so it's a terrible picture. But here they are at their romantic dinner afterwards. Chaperoned by mommies and daddies, of course. :) 
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