Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Say "Cheese!"

I finally did it! After several failed attempts, I managed to capture one of Alec's adorable little grins on camera!! So here it is...our little guy hamming it up. Good thing he seems to like the camera...this Mama has it out a lot! He's been doing some really good open-mouthed cheerful smiles, but he'd only give me these little grins this morning. I'll take it!

Oh, and did I mention he's in the 99th percentile for height, and 90th percentile for weight?! Big boy!

Other than the big news that Alec is officially smiling--and we have the pictures to prove it!--we're just busy enjoying the autumn. I don't know if my kids will inherit my love of fall, but I'm certainly trying my hardest! We've been hitting all the autumn hotspots...the apple orchard, Zoo Boo, not-so-scary haunted house. Still on the list: pumpkin patch, and a fall festival at Kelsay Farms. There's just something about crisp cool air, apple cider and cozy sweatshirts that just make me giddy. And if I can manage to hear a drumline practicing in the distance...well, that's a whole new level of giddiness. I'm a nerd. (the result of the countless fall marching band contests that defined my teen years)
So here are a couple shots from the apple orchard...
And I'm so proud of Andra...rather than just licking off all the carmel like she did last year, she actually ate the APPLE part too this season! All the way to the core! 'atta girl!

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Little About Alec

The newest member of our family has been living with us for about three weeks now, and we're all getting to know each other a little better. So far, he seems to have the same mild temperment as Andra (thank goodness!). In stark contrast to his big sister, however, this little guy EATS. A lot.

Some cute little things that make our little man even cuter:

First things first...he's another blondie, with blue eyes that seem to get bluer with each passing day. I was stunned when I had my FIRST blonde child...and a little dumbfounded that my dominant genes failed to be dominant AGAIN when Alec showed his blonde little head. Dave keeps hogging all the DNA. But I have to admit...I have a very special place in my heart for my blonde-haired, blue-eyed babies.

He's got fuzzy hair on his ears like an old man. :)

He has the cutest little dimple on his left cheek when he grins (which so far, he's only smiled in his sleep. And after his 1 a.m. feeding last night, he let out a really solid chuckle that shook his whole body. What on earth do babies think and dream about that make them laugh??)

He has beautiful, long lashes. Way longer than Andra's. Doesn't seem fair that God gives the boy the long lashes!

He has the same gorgeous heart-shaped lips as Andra.

He has absurdly long toes (like his Uncle J). And his pinky toes have a mind of their own. They're always doing something completely different than the rest of his toes. It makes me laugh.

And we've yet to get through a single bath without him peeing in the water, or peeing on me once I get him OUT of the water. Although karma got him once when he peed during a diaper change, and instead of spraying me, the poor little guy sprinkled himself all over his face! That one was post-bath too. *sigh* Kinda defeats the purpose of getting clean.

But perhaps what's most special about Alec is that he came at a time when my family needed him most. My grandma was recently diagnosed with cancer, and it soon became clear that her days were numbered. She had a serious surgery in early September...right around the time Alec was due. We'd visit her in the hospital (ironically, the same hospital where he would be born), and she'd always tease me when I walked in to visit: "Haven't you had that baby yet?!?!"

Well, we did have that baby...one week after her 90th birthday. I'm so grateful the two got to meet each other before she passed away. In her final weeks, our little guy got to visit her a couple times, and she really seemed to light up when she held him, which truly warmed my heart. I hope it helped her forget her painful condition...if only for a few fleeting moments.

It's been a bittersweet intersection for my family; watching one life begin and another come to an end. My grandma died today, October 4, in a condition that I'd rather forget. Instead, I'll always try to remember my grandma as the plump, jolly lady who loved a good tease and could talk sports with the best of 'em. And always popped out her dentures for a good laugh when we were little (it took a little extra prodding once we were "grown ups" :) We love you, Grandma, and you will be sorely missed. Please watch over our family from up above.
(My grandma and her two daughters: Carolyn (left) and my mom (right)
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