Whenever we would ask my mom what she wanted for Mother's Day, she'd always say nothing, that we were gifts enough. Now I understand that. What I wanted more than anything on my very first Mother's Day was to spend time with the gal who made me a mommy. Time with Andra is the best gift of all.

So to my dear sweet Andra, you've changed my life in a way that words can never express. My heart bursts with love for you every single day, and your smile lights up my world. I love you beyond words. On this Mother's Day, this is my prayer for you...
I pray that God will give your heart the desire to serve Him.
That He will guide your hands and feet every day of your life.
That He'll keep an army of angels by your side to protect you (I've said that prayer since the moment I found out I was pregnant with you!)
That God will give me the wisdom, guidance and faithful heart to lead you to Him.
I pray that your smile and blue eyes will bring joy to everyone you meet. They already do.
And finally, I pray for your future husband. Silly, I know. But each night I pray you'll find a man who will make you as happy as your Daddy makes me. So someday, you'll know the joy a baby brings to your life too.
You're my angel. I love you.