Thursday, December 10, 2009

Curious George, HERE WE COME!

I distinctly remember the day when the advertisement came fluttering out of our Curious George DVD. My jaw dropped and my blood pressure began to rise; "What?! A LIVE Curious George stage show is in the works?! We MUST be there!"

Feverish internet research immediately commenced...during which I discovered, YES, it's true, there's a Curious George Live stage show...AND IT'S COMING TO OUR CITY! I immediately joined the fan club, which entitled me to a secret club of crazy parents that would receive a promo code to purchase the tickets BEFORE they're on sale for the public! Then, I got some cryptic fan club email that thoroughly confused me...where's the secret code?? were the pre-sale tickets on sale yet? did I miss my golden opportunity?? The link didn't seem to be working. So, for a number of weeks, resolving this mystery was on my to-do list, but efforts to reach those in charge were unsuccessful.

But then, lo and behold, at 10:24 this morning (when I'm supposed to be working), the clouds parted, I heard angels singing, and THE email arrived in my in-box with my secret code to buy pre-sale tickets!! Oh, be still my beating heart!!!

So log on I did, and we now have three Curious George LIVE tickets in our possession...third row, baby! I'm downright giddy. Just giddy. Andra's gonna go nuts! Afterall, George IS her favorite...we watch at least one "Georgie" episode per day, read about 5 George books (most of which I have memorized), own multiple George stuffed animals (one for our house, one for Grandma's, so she's never without her beloved friend), followed him like hopeless groupies all summer long during his various appearances at community events, Andra was even Curious George for Halloween (and Dave the Man with the Yellow Hat...see our Halloween post...Dave is breathtaking in yellow!). Needless to say, with Andra and's true love.

Come to think of it...maybe Dave should wear his Man in the Yellow Hat costume to the show! Although the people sitting behind us wouldn't be able to see around the monstrous yellow hat.

Now if only I could find some backstage passes... THAT would make me Mom of the Year!

A few days later...
Update: It's official...I am, in fact, Mom of the Year!!!! A wonderfully sweet promoter for the Curious George Live show happened to stumble across this blog entry, and seeing my borderline crazy enthusiasm for the show, offered us "backstage" passes to meet and greet with the cast before the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, I'm now over the moon excited and counting the days until show time!! The details are yet to be finalized, but it's sounding pretty certain. So, you're all welcome to stop by and see my "Mom of the Year" trophy. I've buffed it to a mirror shine. ;) Just kidding...the trophy only exists in my head; the reward will be seeing Andra's excitement that day!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ooooon, Twoooo, Geeee....

I'm such a proud mom...our little gal can count to ten!! I was actually stunned to find this out myself. :) We hadn't been working on counting or numbers specifically...then, one day, I overheard her counting while she was playing with her toys...she got all the way up to ten, and I nearly fell out of my chair!! How on earth did she learn to count to ten?! We hadn't even been practicing! It just goes to show what sponges toddlers are...they soak up everything around them, sometimes, without you even noticing what they've learned!

I tried and tried and tried to upload this video directly onto this blog, but to no avail... so, click on this link and you can watch it on YouTube. (it's takes awhile for her to work up to it, but she finally does it at the end...I talked over "one" and "two" a little bit...but I promise you, all ten numbers are there!)