The good news is we had a couple days of beautiful weather in San Diego when we first arrived. Still colder than what this region usually is, but still sunny and warm. Andra spent a couple hours on the beach at the famous Hotel del Coronado. Someday, I'll actually be a guest there. Someday. :)
We tried to savor the warm weather while we had it, because we knew the forecasts were looking a little ugly. Here's Andra getting friendly with a parrot in Seaport Village.
And Dave and Andra on the coast of Coronado Island.
And then the weather went down the tubes. We actually high-tailed it out of San Diego a day early, because they were predicting mud slides and flooding. We knew we were in trouble when one forecaster described the approaching weather as "epic." Greeeeeat. We made the drive to Palm Desert in the pouring down rain...thinking there wouldn't be rain in the desert, right?! Well, sort of. There's LESS rain. Although still plenty to go around.The first few days we've been here in Palm Desert, it's been relatively clear and sunny in the we've made the most of our mornings. Then, the rain and cold comes in the afternoon and evening. This morning, we spend a few hours at the Living's a zoo with desert animals. We were all impressed and had a great time soaking up the sun shine.
Here's Andra getting friendly with a goat at the petting zoo.
Despite the weather, we're still having a great time. I'm getting to spend lots of time with Crystal, one of my very best friends in the whole wide world. She's a golf pro here in the Desert (I've got friends in the right places!). And Andra has made a new friend; she's fallen pretty hard for Crystal's dog Tux. Maybe they can be pen pals when we're back home? :)