Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away...

We're witnessing history. That's what I keep telling myself as we watch record rainfall pelting our windows here in southern California. :) It's not exactly what we were expecting for our sunny California vacation, but that's okay.

The good news is we had a couple days of beautiful weather in San Diego when we first arrived. Still colder than what this region usually is, but still sunny and warm. Andra spent a couple hours on the beach at the famous Hotel del Coronado. Someday, I'll actually be a guest there. Someday. :)

We tried to savor the warm weather while we had it, because we knew the forecasts were looking a little ugly. Here's Andra getting friendly with a parrot in Seaport Village.

And Dave and Andra on the coast of Coronado Island.

And then the weather went down the tubes. We actually high-tailed it out of San Diego a day early, because they were predicting mud slides and flooding. We knew we were in trouble when one forecaster described the approaching weather as "epic." Greeeeeat. We made the drive to Palm Desert in the pouring down rain...thinking there wouldn't be rain in the desert, right?! Well, sort of. There's LESS rain. Although still plenty to go around.

The first few days we've been here in Palm Desert, it's been relatively clear and sunny in the we've made the most of our mornings. Then, the rain and cold comes in the afternoon and evening. This morning, we spend a few hours at the Living's a zoo with desert animals. We were all impressed and had a great time soaking up the sun shine.

Here's Andra getting friendly with a goat at the petting zoo.

Despite the weather, we're still having a great time. I'm getting to spend lots of time with Crystal, one of my very best friends in the whole wide world. She's a golf pro here in the Desert (I've got friends in the right places!). And Andra has made a new friend; she's fallen pretty hard for Crystal's dog Tux. Maybe they can be pen pals when we're back home? :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Our Latest Adventure

I know I know, we're walking on the wild side!...but when it's below 10 degrees with several inches of snow on the ground, your options are limited. :) So off we went to the local bowling establishment, so I could show Andra just how terrible her mom is at bowling. The up side? She got to spend some quality time with her Uncle J before he headed back to school for the spring semester.

They have these cool little ramps, so little tikes like Andra can just put their ball at the top, it rolls down a ramp, which gives it enough momentum to get down the lane in less than 10 minutes. Smart!

I'm happy to say we'll be leaving the cold temperatures behind and heading to southern California this weekend for some warm weather! Can't wait!!
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Friday, January 1, 2010

Back from the Holidays

Yes, we're alive...and have finally emerged on the other side of the holidays. Sorry for the lack in posts lately; the holidays are always a busy time of year, and I'm just now getting all my photos loaded onto the computer and out into cyber world. :)

To sum up Christmas 2009, I'd have to say it was our family's most memorable yet. There was something that made it especially magical this year, and I think it was living it through the eyes of a child. Andra is really starting to understand the many traditions that surround Christmas, and she certainly seemed enchanted by it all...and that enchantment was contagious. It was such a joy to watch her experience it all. I'm hoping by next year she might start to understand the real meaning of least on a basic level. I told her a lot this year that it was Jesus' birthday, which seemed to really confuse her!

Here she is on Christmas night with her cousins, Garrett and Zayda.

One photo missing from the bunch this year is the traditional picture with Santa...and that's because Andra wouldn't go within 20 feet of him! She loved to see him in books and movies, but when we saw him in person, she would cling to us and refuse to go anywhere near him. So I didn't push the issue, and she was perfectly content to admire him from a distance.

She did, however, take a very special liking to Rudolph (Roo-off!). I'm not exactly sure why. I think it all started when this stuffed Rudolph (courtesy of Aunt Libby) re-emerged after being packed away with other Christmas decor since Christmas 2008. They were inseparable throughout the entire holiday season! In fact, she now insists her middle name is Rudolph, and when I ask her, "Are you my girl?", she replies, "No, Roo-off!" I'm currently plotting how to make him disappear again into the Christmas boxes without causing her any trauma! I think he'll remain a really special treat if she only sees him once a year.

Aside from the holidays, Andra's world was brightened about a week after Christmas when we got our first significant snow of the season. It was only a few inches...not enough for a snowman or extensive sledding, but enough to entertain a 2 year-old! We went on some sled rides around the yard and down the driveway (which really is the perfect slope with perfect speed for a toddler)...and Andra said her sled was like Santa's sleigh. Too cute. :)

Here's wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and blessed 2010!
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