Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's a...

And I think I'm finally getting over the shock. :)

I tried not to put any weight into my intuition based on past experience (I was convinced Andra was a boy until our ultrasound revealed otherwise!). But I had a couple clues that I thought pointed toward boy this time around... (all completely unscientific!)

Clue 1: my complexion has been consistently BAD this pregnancy. With Andra, I remember having that flawless, glowing complexion for nearly nine months straight. My blemishes have made me wonder if maybe the hormones were a bit different this time around...

Clue 2: at my checkups, the heart rate has been consistently lower than what Andra's always was during checkups when I was pregnant with her. (Andra's heart rate was always in the 160's, but this little guy has been in the 14o's)

Knowing that I lacked that six sense some women have, I convinced myself I must be wrong...and that it was a girl. But during our ultrasound today, our little man showed us the family jewels! And he certainly wasn't shy about it! You can even see the scrotum and.....ummm.....its "accessory." Very clearly. I guess he didn't want there to be any doubt!

So I've been in a state of shock since about 10:30 this morning. After seeing how wonderful Dave is with our little gal, I just assumed God would give us a house full of girls; I felt like he was just designed to raise girls. So funny how our plans and visions can be so different from God's!

As for me, I'm 90% elated and 10% terrified of all that "boy stuff." :) I'll get the hang of it. I feel so fortunate that I get to experience raising a girl AND boy.

I feel like we've already got lots of gear for the little guy... we have all sorts of boy-themed toys and DVDs already! Andra has always loved trains, so the Thomas Train table is already up and running, and I'm getting much better at designing tracks! And she's taken a sudden liking to Bob the Builder and tools. And don't give this gal a baby doll. Zero interest. She prefers Rudolph, thank you very much. I actually relish the nonconformity of it all (except when I was at the store the other night and desperately wanted to get her Thomas Train underwear, only to discover they only make it for boys with the little flap in the front! What's up with that??).

So we're set for a boy...unless he decides he wants baby dolls. ;)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Easter

What's cuter than little girls in Easter dresses?
Nothing, in my opinion.
Especially when the little girl happens to be mine. :)
Andra acting angelic in Easter service...
The Easter dress shot.

Our little family of three, going on four. :)

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Down on the Farm

The weather lately has been unbelievable, and it just so happened on Friday (one of the most beautiful days of the week), Dave also had the day off for Good Friday. So we took advantage of the perfect weather and visited a local organic dairy farm. I knew Andra would get a kick out of all the cows, and we'd have an excuse to spend the entire morning outside.

I tried to explain to Andra where we were going, and since "dairy farm" didn't seem to be registering with her, and "cow farm" sounded odd...I told her we were going to Old MacDonald's know, like the song. Which she knows very well. So when we saw the cows, she told me she wanted to sing a song to the cows, and launched into "Old MacDonald Had a Farm." Pretty darn cute until the cow had other ideas...

After touring the farm, playing with the chickens (which also produce the farms organic eggs), we ended our morning with organic ice cream from their dairy bar (MMMMMMMmmmmmm SO GOOD!!), and a picnic outside. Perfection. If only we could bottle this weather...

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