On Wednesday, Andra and I took a little road trip just the two of us to Holiday World! To be completely honest, I was a bit nervous about going. About six months pregnant, I've had a few episodes of queasiness in the heat lately...and I knew we'd be spending the entire day in the heat at the amusement park. Plus, Andra and I had to make the trip on our own because Dave had to work that day. Three hours in the car with a 2 year-old and no assistance made me a little uneasy. But my desire to "live it up" with Andra this summer and capture every opportunity we can won me over...and so we made the trip! And I'm SO GLAD we did...what a fun day!!!
We also met up with my older sister (who's a nurse) and her two kids, plus my sister's friend (who also happens to be a nurse) and her three kids...so I knew even if disaster struck, we'd be in good hands! :)
Andra was an absolute angel in the car. We set up the portable DVD player, and she was quiet as a mouse the entire way there and back...you hardly even knew she was in the backseat! We got the DVD player for her for Christmas, and this was the first time we used it...it's worth its weight in gold!
We hit the rides first thing in the morning before it got too hot. One reason I decided to make the trip was because the park has a huge amount of rides for kids her age, so I knew we'd get our money's worth. Here she is on the pint-size carousel. She was so proud to go on the rides all by herself.
My nephew Garrett and niece Zayda on the carousel.
She flew an airplace too with her cousin Garrett...a blue one, of course!
June 16, 2010. 12:05pm. The moment Andra found her personal bliss. Her two favorite things combined: ice cream and the color blue! A little lick of heaven on earth for my little gal!
"What blue mustache, Mom?"
One of our greatest discoveries that day was a splash park in one of the kid areas. It was her first splash park, and she went NUTS for it! She ran and splashed and ran and splashed for nearly an hour! This girl was down right giddy.
To avoid the heat, we went to the water park after lunch when it was really starting to heat up. I was, again, impressed with everything they had for little ones her age. We hung out in a toddler pool for awhile, but the lazy river was calling my name...so off we went.
Let me tell you...the two of us trying to get ourselves arranged in the lazy river was an ugly, ugly sight. We'd beat my sister and her kids to the water park, so it was just the two of us...and perhaps when I MOST felt Dave's absence! It took me several minutes to figure out how to get my six month pregnant self into an innertube (look, I've never been able to do that gracefully even when I'm NOT pregnant, add a huge belly to the equation, and it's down right ugly)...on top of that, I had to figure out a way to get into the innertube quickly, grab Andra, get her in the inner tube with me--all while not being swept away in the current! It was embarrasing...and ugly...I'm pretty sure I saw parents hiding their childrens' eyes. :) But we eventually made it into the tube...and floating peacefully in that river just the two of us, with my little gal chatting away with me, was probably my favorite part of the day. We made 3 laps. :)
So it was a wildly successful trip. We got to spend some fun quality time with Garrett and Zayda, had a great mommy & me trip, and came back exhausted, but happy!