Now that his arrival is likely only days away, we took Andra to Build a Bear to make a stuffed animal for her baby brother (I totally stole this clever idea from a friend!). She chose a dog (not suprisingly), and had a blast making him. Her favorite part was giving him a "bath," and here she is cleaning his ears.
Since she has a Colts shirt, Andra decided her baby brother's doggie needed a Colts shirt too. She picked out an entire outfit for him, and sealed it with a kiss. :)
She's really attached to "Doggie" (she chose his name too)...and PROMISES she'll give him to her baby brother when he's born. We'll see. :) In the meantime, she sure is taking good care of him. I have a feeling "Doggie" is going to be a little broken in already by the time baby brother gets him. She did seem proud to have something special to bring to the hospital for him.
One of our final preparations was pulling all the baby "gadgets" out of the attic. We got down the pack 'n play, baby swing, bouncey seat, and infant tub. It's amazing what a little person requires! Andra LOVES having all these new gadgets to play with, and "bouncey seat" has officially entered her vocabuarly. She spent the entire day today taking "Doggie" from one gadget to another...his two favorite seem to be the swing and bouncey seat. At least that's what Andra says. I have a feeling we may be replacing the batteries before the little guy even makes it home! Here she is giving him a bath (the towel is over Doggie's eyes, because that's how we wash her hair). I'm thrilled that she's so nurturing and seems really excited to bring her baby brother home...I hope it lasts!
So here we are...likely about a week or so away from meeting our new little miracle. It still seems surreal to me. It likely won't sink in until he's put in my arms. It's so amazing to me that this little creature we're about to bring into the world will eventually grow into a little person just like Andra has...I know that will be an incredible and fun that's what I'm trying to focus on. But I'd be lieing if I didn't say I'm scared too. :) Until next time...