Andra and I had a lot of quality time over the weekend at the air show! It was really such a good time and some nice one-on-one time with my little gal.
Friday night, we went to the balloon glow. There wasn't much "glowing," because it gets dark so late, and they had to deflate the balloons when the wind kicked up, but we still got to spend plenty of time checking them out. It was pretty cool seeing that many in one spot. We tried to go to the State Fair balloon glow last year, but it was rained out...so it was nice to make it happen on our second attempt!
This was "Sad Andra" after we found out that she was too short to go on a tethered balloon ride. I know it's heartbreaking, but no worries...A little distraction and she was over it a few minutes later. She has to be 48 inches tall to ride, so I'm afraid it's gonna be a few years! :)
On Saturday, we went to the actual air show...just the last couple of hours of it. She got to see two light weight planes do some really cool tricks (red and blue, her favorite colors!). And the Blue Angels were the grand finale! I'd never seen them before, and they gave me goosebumps several times...and I'm not even a plane person! It was pretty incredible.
Here's Andra checking out the inside of a helicopter...
And below, an illustration of my motherly ingenuity. I knew the planes would be loud and that Andra wouldn't tolerate ear plugs, so we brought along her ear muffs...and they worked like charm! :)
It was a busy weekend, but we made some fun memories...and I'm sure we'll be attending future air shows! And maybe next time we'll let the boys join us. ;)