Well, I've had so much fun reading my friends' blogs, I've decided to create one for our family. No promises on how frequently I'll update it, but I'll do my best. Maybe someday Andra will have fun looking back at her early days and Mom's and Dad's thoughts about raising her!
The latest development in our little world is that I've been lucky enough to find an outstanding part-time job, which will give me more time at home with Andra! I'll even be working from home most of the time! Maybe having more time away from work will give me a chance to update this blog. :) We'll see! I have no doubt this part-time job is an answered prayer. It literally fell in my lap...a gift straight from heaven, no doubt!
Other than that, our whole family is anxiously awaiting spring...Pudge especially! He's tired of being cooped up, and he needs to burn off some steam. He's looked a little sad in the eyes lately, and I think it's the winter blahs. This has seemed like the longest winter EVER, but I think it's just because we're so anxious to get outside with Andra and get those baby piggies in the green grass! There's a whole new world out there she hasn't had a chance to explore, and we're excited to watch her discover it all!
As a test of my blogging skills, I'll post a recent picture of our family--minus Dave--someone's gotta be behind the camera!
Well, until next time... (again, no promises!)