In case you haven't noticed, I'm a little crazy about pictures (it's a genetic disorder I inherited from my dad, who ALWAYS had a camera close by!). So I can't resist the urge to show you our first official family portrait. We just got these back...they're from Andra's six month photos. I'm posting our two faves. These were the ONLY TWO pictures she would smile for, so I'm glad they turned out well!

Where did you have Pics taken very very cute, you guys all look great! Enjoy your blog. Was talking to you Mom and she siad new Pics were available. I will need to check more often.
OK! Totally adorable and inspiring! I really think that the three of us should get a family portrait before B leaves for Iraq! Keep posting!!! I love reading your are such the writer! love you miss you!
Hi this is David's cousin Kim. Mom gave me the website to check out. The lil one is sooo adorable...Hope to hear from you'll soon...
<3 Kim
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