When Dave, Andra and I went to visit her in the hospital, Andra took her first steps in the hospital room in front of everyone!! It was such a cool moment! She was standing in front of me, and Grandpa (my dad) squatted down and told her to come see him. She took three quick steps like a little expert and jumped right into his arms! I think my jaw hit the floor. She acted like she knew exactly what she was doing! It's been less than 24 hours since, and no more steps. I think she waits until she knows she has an audience. :) She's quite the performer, our little squirt. (We managed to get her walking again Sunday and got some video of it...watch it at the bottom of this post!)
We ended the weekend by taking Pudge to a "dog swim" at the Monon Center pool. They let the dogs take over the pool before they close it for the season. Pudge went last year and had a blast, so we couldn't deny him this year.

While Pudge was perfecting his doggie paddle, Andra and I were practicing walking more. Check out the video of some of our baby girl's very first steps. Still a little wobbly, but if it's anything like crawling, I know she'll get faster and more coordinated with each passing day!
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