Sunday, October 26, 2008

Boiler Up

We took a little day trip up to West Lafayette today to visit my little bro Jonathan, a freshmen at Purdue. It's still SO weird that my baby brother's in COLLEGE. That makes me old.

We had such a fun day! Jonathan showed us around campus. There's this one spot where you can stand and clap, and there's this weird chirp you get in your ears! It was totally weird...Jonathan says the smart PU engineers figured out a way to make the sound waves cause that?? It was probably someone's senior thesis project. :) Campus was beautiful...Dave and I wanted to pretend we were college students again.

We also took him out to lunch and checked out his dorm room. Andra had fun hanging out with her "Uncle J." Here he is entertaining Andra in her carseat.

Goofy girl. I wonder if she'll be as goofy as her Uncle J?
In front of Jonathan's historic dorm :) Tarkington Hall. Love those freshmen dorms!

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Headed home. Shew! What a day.


Anonymous said...

Andra is such a cutie...her hair is getting long! Wow, how time flies. Seems like it was just yesterday when you visited me at Purdue....aaahhhh memories (sigh). Hilarious memories though..."I am stationary..." Note to Andra, ask your mom about that one day... ;)

Kylie V. said...

I told Jonathan about that day. :) I was sharing some big sister wisdom with him! :)