Why do I have a picture of two random firefighters standing by our upside-down jogging stroller, you ask?? Well, these are two kindhearted firefighters at Station #13...and they are our new best friends.
*sigh*...let me start at the beginning...
Andra and I were enjoying the beautiful weather at the canal downtown. We were trekking up a very steep hill when our morning took an interesting turn. Andra was out of her stroller walking, so I pushed the stroller to the top of said hill, parked it at the top ON FLAT LAND, then turned around to help Andra the rest of the way up the hill. As I'm helping Andra up the hill, I notice two people yelling and waving their arms at me at the bottom of the hill near the water. What the heck? So I turn around...just in time to see our jogging stroller careening out of control down the steep hill headed straight for the canal!!!! (Note to self: lock the daggone wheels next time!!)
It was out of everybody's reach and was travelling far too fast for anyone to stop it, so we all watched it splash into the water. Cue Andra's screaming because she thinks her stroller is gone forever. Through the crying, I discover the two men who were waving their arms at me are firefighters at the nearby station. What luck!!! So they radio their firefighter buddies (who are clearly bored on such a beautiful morning) to come with their equipment and fish our jogging stroller out of the water, which happens to be floating rather quickly down the canal.
About 10 minutes later, and a lot of teasing at my expense, about six MORE firefighters show up, poles and ropes in hand, and fish our jogging stroller out of the canal. Oh, and don't forget the curious bystanders who all must be thinking I deserve the Mother of the Year Award. By this time, Andra's thinking this is pretty darn funny! And I'm thanking my lucky stars that my camera, cell phone, and anything else of value was safe in my pockets.
At long last, our stroller is pulled soaking wet out of the canal, and the firefighters offer to walk it back to their station while I go get our SUV. We apparently had perfect timing, because lunch was being served when we arrived at the station, and they basically held our stroller captive until we agreed to have lunch with them (I also think they were a bit enamored with my little gal, who was CLEARLY very excited to be inside a REAL firestation with REAL firefighters and fire trucks). Not to mention our planned picnic was a bit soggy, being that it sat in the canal for about 20 minutes. I argued we couldn't stay, but they insisted...so we dined on hamburgers with the Station #13 firefighters. And I endured another half hour of teasing. What a morning!!
Here's Andra making friends with the fire station dog Dodge.
And here's Andra lunching with "Shift A" at Station #13...some homebaked cookies will he headed their way soon!