Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Andra's Big News

So here goes...despite the butterflies in my stomach…our family’s growing again! Andra will become a big sister in September. It’s a little bit funny, actually…the baby’s due date (Sept. 10) is within two days of Andra’s birthday (Sept. 12)! So hopefully this is a birthday present she’ll be happy we’re bringing home for her. :) And hopefully she won't mind sharing her birthday, um, for the rest of her life. Let's just hope they don't share the same DATE!

We’re over-the-moon excited (I’m one of those annoying women who absolutely LOVES being pregnant!!) and grateful to God for blessing us with a second baby…but I’d be lieing if I didn’t admit to being a tiny bit nervous about having two little people to take care of!

I'm 15 weeks today, and have had nothing but perfect check-ups so far. I've felt great (I'm lucky to have no morning sickness with my pregnancies), and I'm so anxious for my belly to get big, so I actually FEEL pregnant.

I think Andra has a little understanding that a baby is on its way. We don’t talk to her about it a whole lot…I figure a 9 month pregnancy is almost equal to HALF of a two-year-old’s life…so that’s like eternity to her. I think once my belly gets bigger and the nursery starts to take shape, we’ll talk about it more and she’ll have a better idea of what’s happening. As for right now though, she seems pretty darn excited. When we put her big sister shirt on, she runs around shouting “Big Sis-rrrrrr! Big Sis-rrrr!”

She actually stunned me when I first told her she was going to be a big sister. I said, “Do you know what that means?” And she said, “Mommy have baby." (Impressive!, I thought. How'd she know that??) Then she continued, "Mommy have TWO babies.” (aha! I instantly knew why she said two!...She’s seen a “Big Sister Dora” episode where Dora’s mom has twins.) So I had to explain to her that THIS mommy is only having one. And thank God for that. :)


Crystal said...

Yaaaayyyy!! I was wondering when you were going to announce it to the world! I can't wait to see if Andra is going to have a little sister or brother!

Kylie V. said...

Well, not the world yet...just my loyal blog readers. :) The world soon I guees. :)

Crystal said... don't think your blog has reached worldwide yet?? haha. Well, it's a big deal to the people in 'your world'. love ya!

Shannon said...

Yay! 15 weeks! I feel like it's already going by so fast! Congrats on announcing it to your 'loyal blog readers.' :) And while I am glad that you always feel so good during pregnancy...I must admit, as a woman who felt crappy through both pregnancies...women like you drive me nuts! ;) Love ya!

Jonathan said...

pregnant or not, woman like you drive me nuts.