Thursday, February 3, 2011

Making "Solid" Progress

Well, I'm embarking on a new adventure in motherhood. I've decided to make--as in homemake--all of Alec's baby food. Yes...peeling, slicing, dicing, blending, and storing. :) I feel a bit like Dianne Keaton in Baby know, that 80's movie where she gets rich making baby food. Anyone? Anyone? Well, I happened to LOVE that movie for some weird reason when I was young.

To be honest, I was really nervous about this new goal of mine. But I know other mothers who work full-time (hello, guilt), and still managed to make all of their baby's food and PROMISED it was super easy. And to be honest, I've been pleasantly surprised...mainly because my friend Shannon and I went in together quite a while back and bought this awesome Beaba baby food maker. They say it's all the rage in Europe (and really, how would we know otherwise? It's not like I've been to Europe recently)...and this awesome gadget has now crossed the pond. Shannon used it first with her baby, then passed it down to me, and now I'm learning how to master this mighty little machine.

It intimidated me at first, but now I think I've got the hang of it! So here's the just prep the food (like I peeled and diced the above sweet potatoes...or even better, dump in a bag of frozen peas!). Then, it steams the food, then blends it...all in about ten minutes, AND, all in one dish...very little clean-up. And WAY cheaper than the jarred stuff. And I must say, I feel a sense of pride making his baby food. So Alec's first taste of "real" food was the above sweet potatoes. And let me tell you, he is INHALING them. Since the sweet potatoes, he's also mastered squash and carrots. Next, we'll add in some fruits!

He's a happy little guy in his high chair. He's becoming quite the little consumer of solid food, and I'm so proud. It's fun to add in new foods and watch his reaction. And he's been an EXCELLENT eater since the day he was born, so it's nice to have more fun with the whole eating-thing this time around (Andra was a horrible eater, which equaled a stressed out Mommy at most feedings!) So, Bon Appetite!
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