It's official. Andra's crawling!! Dave and I have been debating over the last several days whether she's officially crawling or not. She's been on all fours with "forward motion" for a few days now...but her uncoordinated efforts didn't much resemble crawling. But as of tonight after dinner, she went several "steps" that seemed amazingly coordinated. I'm so proud of her! It's a little odd watching my baby crawl...does this mean she's officially a toddler? I hope not! I still want her to be my baby.

In addition to crawling, we're reaching another milestone this week. Andra's cutting her first tooth! It's barely through the surface of her gum, but you can definitely feel it when you rub your finger across her gum. The process of teething hasn't been too bad. She's been fussier than usual, but nothing unbearable. She's never been interested in pacifiers, but since she's started teething, she's become much more attached to it. It makes me a little sad to picture her smile with a tooth in it. I love her gummy smile right now. I can't imagine seeing a tooth in that grin!
And last milestone to report. We had our first incident of projectile vomit. But I'll spare you the details of that. :) Nothing serious, I just think she got a little motion sickness after dinner and all the excitement of crawling! Until next's a grin to hold you over.
AWE! Kylie...she's growing up so fast!!! Don't worry, you'll love the teeth once they start coming in. I was the same way! Looks like you've got your camera ready at a moments notice...great job, mom! and thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. you are the best:)
oh my goodness...just noticed the hair-do. Sweet! That's too funny!
She is getting so big. Don't gets better and better. I feel like Kade is so fun right now and I just want him to stay my sweet little boy forever. :)
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