This girl refuses to wear shoes. Every pair I've put on her, she's found a way to wiggle out of them in record time. I've tried shoes with strings, velcro, straps, buttons, elastic...the list is exhausting.
No longer! I bought these shoes at Target the other day, and I'm definitely a satisfied customer! We tested them while shopping, and they actually stayed on her feet all the way to the checkout lane! Small victory, but I was still skeptical. I bought them anyway and hoped for the best.
The first real test drive was when she wore them for the first time over the weekend. They stayed on her feet for HOURS! She pulled and tugged, but couldn't get them off. I win! I win! Point for Mommy! (Grandma V. pointed out this won't last long. As soon as she figures out how to un-attach the velcro straps on her own, we'll be back in the shoe aisle)
For the time being, I'm basking in the glory of my victory and singing the praises of Circo Mary Janes in Size 3. They're definitely worth the $10 investment, and they're cute too! (Maybe Andra's already developed a fashion standard, and all previous shoes simply didn't meet her standard?)
Don't get me wrong, I still give her little piggies plenty of time to wiggle and breathe outside the confines of her shoes. It's just nice to not be chasing missing shoes in the grocery store, on walking trails, in the backseat of the car, from Pudges slobbery jowls...
Hey Kylie,
I am leaving you this comment so you know I am reading and enjoying your very cute blog. I love Andra's new cute! Andra will learn just how important shoes are over the next few years. Welcome to one of the greatest joys in life Andra...SHOES! :)
yay! Thanks for commenting, Havilah! :) I know, I find it funny that Andra might have a shoe fetish. I've never been all that interested in shoes...i'd much rather have new clothes. So, if this girl has shoe fetish, she's gonna have a hard time convincing her mom to spend lots of $$$$$ on shoes!
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