Saturday, September 3, 2011

A New 'Do!

It's probably a little silly, but I must admit, I'm quite proud of myself...I cut Alec's hair! Yes, his first ever haircut at the hands of his Mommy! It had to be done; his hair was hanging in his eyes, and I got tired of brushing it out of his face constantly. When I had a fleeting temptation to put one of Andra's barrettes in his hair to keep it out of his eyes, I knew the time had come. :)

So, I did what any modern mother would--watched YouTube instructional videos, of course! These moms made it look so easy, surely I could do it! So I grabbed my sewing scissors, enlisted Daddy's help to hold him still, and seized the moment while I was feeling brave. I was SO nervous it was going to look ridiculous, but I think it turned out pretty good! Dave had to chase him down about ten times when he wiggled away from me and pin his hands down, but mission accomplished!

I can't believe how much older he looks! That was part of the reason I was stalling. I like it a little better when his bangs are side swept like this:

And here's a side view. His hair used to hang over his ears, so I trimmed that up a little. He's got some sweet little curls in back that I could bring myself to trim, so daddy still says he's "business in the front, party in the back." :) And I have newfound confidence in cutting my little man's hair! I wonder how long I'll be able to do it, before I need to let the professionals take over?

We also gave up his paci this weekend. Neither one of my babies have been big on their it hasn't been very dramatic to give it up with either one of them. Alec's doing great without his! I just figured it's better to be done with it before he gets old enough to develop a deep attachment to it. A new 'do...paci-free...and just one week away from his first baby boy is growing up.

And lots of you have been asking about Andra and preschool. I'm happy to report she's doing beautifully. The first day I dropped her off, I stayed with her in the classroom for a few minutes. She seemed timid, but was okay when I told her I was going to leave. The next day, I dropped her off for the first "full" day of class (2.5 hours). There were several cryers by the door clinging to their moms, and my heart sunk. I thought for sure this would cause Andra to melt down too. But she just gave me a kiss, marched right by them and went straight to the toys. I was so proud of her. She may be quiet and shy (as her teacher has confirmed!), but she is definitely independent. She had a great first week, and was bummed when I told her she had to wait four days to go back, so that's got to be a good sign! Here she is headed off for her first day:

In other news, I found out I have strep throat today. I caught it early and got on antibiotic, so I'm just praying the two kiddos escape it...their dual birthday party is one week away, and I'd be heartbroken if they were sick! So pray for a healthy week for us!

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