's been a busy weekend! Andra's had a pretty eventful first 4th of July. No fireworks (I figure they'll terrify her at this point), but still lots of fun.
Dave was off for the holiday, so we took Andra on her first trip to the Children's Museum. They have a great exhibit that's perfect for toddlers, so we were anxious for her to try it out. There's one "obstacle course" area that's got padded everything--walls, floors, toys--if only our house were padded! Since she's crawling, she had fun climbing around on everything and showing us her latest trick: pulling herself to standing all by herself! yikes! It makes me nervous, but she seems pretty proud of herself. The second picture makes me's the view we get a lot: Andra's crash landings! See her blurry feet? That's her falling. :) She's the everywhere padding!
Saturday we biked the Monon (thanks to our new SUV, newly equipped with a hitch and bike rack!!). The bike ride was 16 miles total! It was a blast. Andra rode in her bike trailer the whole time and seemed to have fun too. My rump's a little sore from the bike seat...guess I could use some extra padding too! I'm sure we'll bike that route again because we had a great time!
Sunday was our day to relax, but we managed to hit the pool as well. It's hot, free (gotta love the Y membership!), and Andra enjoys it--so we go whenever we can!
Here's a few pics from the weekend. She's more difficult to take photos of now. She used to just sit there, but now that she's on the move, she's always crawling toward me trying to snatch the camera!
"Gimme that camera, Mom!"
Life Wins!
2 years ago
That last photo is awesome. It's such a fun angle!
I can't believe how much she changes every time I see her.....doesn't it make you want time to go slower? It does me and I'm only her 'aunt C'. Well, just enjoy every minute...even the challenging ones.. :)
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