Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Run, Daddy, RUN!

Personally, I think Dave has lost his marbles. He's signed up to run the Disney Marathon in January. That's a full marathon, folks. As in 26.2 miles. We've heard if you're going to do a marathon, Disney is the one to do. It weaves through all the different parks and is supposed to have a really fun atmosphere.

So this is the view Andra and I get from our front window as Dave heads out on a run (I wasn't very fast with my camera!). If you look to the far right of the photo, you'll see him scooting along. He's crazy. But I'm very excited to have an excuse for a little warm weather vacation in January (at the expense of Dave's joints)!

I'm proud of him for even having the guts to sign up. I've done two half marathons, but a full one doesn't sound very appealing to me. The difference is, Dave says he truly ENJOYS running. It's fun for him. (bizarre, huh?) To me, running is penance for the extra calories I consume. :)

When Dave first signed up, he told me not to tell anyone, just in case he changed his mind. But I'm letting the secret out now so you can all encourage him when you see him. (plus, I think we've told most of the family already anyway!) Oh, and remind him he's crazy.

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