It was great getting to spend time with the girls (and we let the boys join us too). Andra seemed to have fun on her first trip to the lake too. She liked just floating in her new intertube and hanging out with her buddy Mady. All those swim lessons have paid off!
Just the girls also went out on the speed boat to ski and kneeboard, which we had to skip last summer since Shannon and I were both in our third trimesters! I was a little worried about skiing because it had been a couple years. But a couple face plants, water wedgies and giggle fits later (all which Shannon and Crystal got a good laugh out of)...I finally managed to get my sorry self back up on skiis and had lots of fun! We love you Crystal, and we love your lakehouse! :)
I LOVE her swimming suit! It was so cute I had to call Scott into the computer to have a look too. (I'm sure he thought it was as cute as I did). I need a girl to dress....maybe it would be better for the wallet to keep with boys. ha ha.
I could've bought 12 swimsuits for her this summer...they're all so cute! But I limited myself to 3. :)
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